Understanding Diabetes from Ayurvedic Perspective

One of the significant health concerns people worldwide are dealing with is diabetes – a disease linked with our lifestyle. According to an estimate by WHO, this disease has already affected more than 6 percent of the world population. In India alone, more than 98 million people are expected to deal with diabetes by 2030. With Ayurvedic help, it is possible to cut down the symptoms and risks associated with this chronic disease. 

Understanding diabetes from the perspective of Ayurveda

Diabetes is referred to as "Madhumeh" in Ayurveda. The disease is categorized under "Prameh". The word 'Madhu" refers to honey, and "meh" refers to urination. So, in Ayurveda, "Madhumeh" indicates urine that is honey-like. The lifestyle disease is categorized into two types as per Ayurveda:

1. (Sahaja) Genetic diabetes refers to insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes that occurs in an individual at a young age.
2. (Apathaja) Acquired diabetes resembles Type II diabetes and occurs in obese people or due to poor lifestyle in old age.

Diabetes can occur because of many lifestyle factors, like unhealthy eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, genetics, excessive sleep, anxiety, stress, obesity, improper sleep, etc. All these factors can lead to "med dhatu" and "Kapha dosha" that can block various channels in the body. That's not all, these factors can also bring vital energy (Ojas) into the urine from different parts of the body, resulting in Madhumeh.

Know the symptoms and signs of diabetes

  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive thirst
  • Blurred vision
  • Quick weight loss
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Increased hunger pangs
  • Regular fatigue

How does Ayurveda help treat and manage diabetes?

There is a saying – Prevention is better than cure. The basic Ayurvedic principle is quite similar. According to the basic principle in Ayurveda, the removal of causative factors (Nidana Parivarjana) should be given the topmost priority in treating diabetes. Blood glucose levels will either be higher or in the normal range in the prediabetes stage. Ideally, screening in individuals should begin between 30 and 45 years of age. After that, the tests need to be repeated after every three years. This needs to be done to prevent future health complications, like nerve damage, heart disease, hearing impairment, slow healing, eye-related problems, kidney damage, etc. 

What can be done to prevent diabetes?

Our bodily health depends on a lot of lifestyle factors. What time we sleep, how much we sleep, how much exercise we do, what we eat, etc., all determine our ability to keep diseases like diabetes in check. It is essential to know that ailments associated with a poor lifestyle can be controlled by making a few changes to our routine. Following a healthier lifestyle is pivotal in ensuring our wellbeing and maintaining overall balance. Diabetes also can be prevented if you lead a physically active life and take care of your diet. 

Given below are some steps which you can follow to effectively control diabetes and achieve future health goals:

1. Exercise regularly

Research has consistently shown that the risk of you contracting diabetes gets reduced by as much as 80 percent when you exercise for at least half an hour a day for 4-5 days a week. Exercises do not have to be strenuous, but simple ones like jogging and walking can work wonders to keep your weight under control. Ayurveda suggests you do yoga asanas like Halasana, Paschimotanasana, Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana, and Bhujangasana as they help boost the activities of the pancreas in the insulin production in the body. Pranayams like Anulom-Vilom and Kapalbhati also help control diabetes when they are followed regularly.

2. Manage stress

The root cause of most problems, including diabetes, is stress. The major factors that contribute to diabetes are anxiety and chronic stress. And if you are someone who is already dealing with pre-existing diabetes conditions, then anxiety and chronic stress can further cause an increase in blood sugar levels. To alleviate stress levels, relax the mind, and improve circulation, certain breathing techniques help a lot. So, before you start with these techniques, make sure to take some time out. There can't be anything more important for you than reducing stress.

3. Sleep well

Ideally, you need to sleep for at least 8 hours a day. When you achieve this consistently, your body gets nourished and rejuvenated both inside and outside. Getting adequate sleep is also helpful in alleviating the risks of diabetes. However, make sure you don't sleep during the daytime.

4. Balanced diet

When your diet is perfect, you will keep diabetes at bay. A balanced diet will provide your body with all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help keep diabetes under control. While you are trying to balance your diet, avoid processed or sugary foods, fried items, and junk foods. Also, as much as you can, consider adding garlic, spinach, black plum, raw banana, bitter gourd, and onion to your diet. You will easily find numerous Ayurvedic drinks and products to help regulate your blood sugar levels.

The role played by Ayurveda in treating diabetes

Ayurveda plays a vital role in managing lifestyle diseases like diabetes. Its holistic approach means the root cause of diabetes is addressed. The Ayurvedic approach is to improve the body's defense system while regulating metabolic disturbances and improving healing mechanisms. The Ayurvedic role in treating diabetes starts by detoxifying the body. In doing so, Ayurveda ensures the effectiveness of medicines (rasayanas and special herbs) and helps identify the root cause of this disease. 

To complement the effectiveness of regular medicines, you can also consider taking Ayurvedic products of Honeyline. These products are natural and can improve the overall quality of your life. 

The Ayurvedic approach in managing diabetes is beneficial as it helps in reducing the risks associated with diabetes complications and lessening the life-long dependency on insulin. In the early stages of diabetes, when Ayurveda is considered one of the options for treating diabetes and others, it will give better control in dealing with the disease in the future. 


This content is for information and educational purposes only and should not be perceived as medical advice. Please consult a certified medical or healthcare professional before making any decision regarding your health using the content above.

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